Hanan Comes from Salah Al-Din, One of the Iraqi Provinces Invaded by ISIS.
She arrived at the Ashti refugee camp with almost all her family.
Giles Duley. An Open Wound. Day 16.
As they change the bandages on his hand, Darwood Salim raises his fingers in a victory sign.
Giles Duley. An Open Wound. Day 15.
On the 8th of March 2017, Darwood, aged 12, had been tending sheep just outside Mosul when he stepped on a landmine.
Giles Duley. An Open Wound. Day 14.
Ahad Abdulah, who is 10 years old, suffered facial injuries when a bomb landed near him.
Giles Duley. An Open Wound. Day 13.
Abbas Fadil, 8, sits in the gardens of EMERGENCY’s hospital.
Giles Duley. An Open Wound. Day 12.
Gathban Mahmood, 22, was about to graduate from high school when ISIS took control of Mosul.
They Are Both 13 and Come from the Same City – Mosul
Unfortunately, Ghofran and Akram have another thing in common: they both lost a leg to a bomb while they were playing in their homes.
Giles Duley. An Open Wound. Day 11.
Mohamed Nawaf, 14, lost both legs and suffered facial and hand injuries in Mosul.
Giles Duley. An Open Wound. Day 10.
Yacub Ahmad, 43, was blinded in one eye and lost his left hand following a blast outside his home in Mosul.