“Since the war broke out, there is nothing left here”: Katerina’s Story
"Since the war broke out, there is nothing left here." Katerina is 54 years old. She shares her story in front of one of our clinics in Donetsk Oblast, a province in eastern Ukraine that has been heavily impacted by…
When You Are Providing Primary Healthcare, Your Approach Is Essential
In this video, our colleague Andrea tells us about the evolution of our intervention in Moldova.
Misha Found Many ‘Aunties’ – As He Calls Them.
Last March, Tetyana and her son Misha arrived in Moldova after leaving Odessa in Ukraine.
It Seems Like The Most Important Thing In His Life.
Micola is sitting outside the Mobile Clinic waiting to be triaged.
“Several Come Back, Even If Only to Say Thank You and That They Feel Better.”
"They often show us photos of their children, their home, their pets... thus starting the process of reconstructing the temporal continuity interrupted by the war, tying together that 'before' and 'after'.”
N. Only Draws Moving Cars and A House to Leave From.
A. thanks us because she has found a "safe place" where she can cry and vent her anguish without fear of falling apart.
‘Peace’ Is the Only Word They Tell Me in English
They want to return to Mykolaïv to hug their son and grandson.
“We Are Committed to This Project.”
EMERGENCY is supporting the social and medical needs of the victims of this war.
We Will Be Here As Long As We Need to Be.
As this crisis evolves, we are working with the Moldovan authorities to further strengthen our presence and services.