Update from the field, Afghanistan
25 patients coming from the MSF hospital in Kunduz, which was bombed by NATO on the same day, arrived at EMERGENCY's Surgical Centre in Kabul
25 patients coming from the MSF hospital in Kunduz, which was bombed by NATO on the same day, arrived at EMERGENCY's Surgical Centre in Kabul
"What happened in Kabul makes you feel that all of the humanitarian workers in this country are now even more vulnerable" Luca, Programme Coordinator Afghanistan.
A nice place for mothers and babies before, during and after every phase of the birth.
One minute it seems calm, then you turn to find yourself in the middle of a nightmare.
"Today I want to forget, only for a moment, the horrors of war. But war isn't listening to me, it doesn't stop, the wounded continue to arrive."
"They haven’t got super-muscles or super-powers but just being able to say you’ve met them somehow helps set the world right."
That's what war is: you leave home in the morning and you're not sure you'll be going back, or that all your loved ones will still be there.
EMERGENCY's three hospitals in Afghanistan have admitted more than 14,000 injured by bullet, more than 7000 injured by explosion and more than 4000 injured by landmines