In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

We Will Be Here As Long As We Need to Be.
In March, an EMERGENCY team reached Moldova along with our largest Mobile Outpatient Clinic.
The goal is to provide primary medical care and psychological assistance to refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.
We are in Bălți, the second most populous city in the country, which is now home to three refugee centres.
Video ©️ Davide Preti
Our Mobile Clinic is currently located in front a reception centre currently hosting 200 people, and is also available to all refugees being housed in private homes and other facilities.
Andrea Bellardinelli, EMERGENCY’s Migration and Emergencies programme, is on the ground.
When we launched medical activities here in Bălți, our Mobile Clinic received mainly adult patients, often elderly people with chronic illnesses, and people in need of psychological support. Those that have fled the conflict are going through an extremely difficult moment of great emotional stress and anxiety. Anxiety about what will happen, anxiety thinking about their loved ones left behind in Ukraine, and also mental and physical exhaustion.
As this crisis evolves, we are working with the Moldovan authorities to further strengthen our presence and services. We will be here as long as we need to be.