The third quarter was a period of unprecedented violence, according to UNAMA, before we witnessed a decrease during the final quarter and the start of 2020. It continues to be difficult to conceive of ‘peace’ in Afghanistan at the moment.” Marco concludes.

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EMERGENCY Breaks Down Walls By Building Them

📌 As our President Rossella Miccio once wrote, there are walls, and then there are walls: walls of exclusion, tearing people apart, but also walls of inclusion, bringing people together, defeating differences and discrimination. EMERGENCY's hospitals are made of walls,…

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‘I Can’t Begin To Describe EMERGENCY.’

There are people who dedicate themselves to this organisation for years. Laura is one of them. She’s been with us since 2009. Laura is a nurse. We met her in a ward at the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery. What she said took…

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