To Gino Strada, in Loving Memory.
It has been one year since we lost Dr Gino Strada, the founder of EMERGENCY, the war surgeon, the peace activist, the man.
When You Are Providing Primary Healthcare, Your Approach Is Essential
In this video, our colleague Andrea tells us about the evolution of our intervention in Moldova.
Our Work Here is Crucial.
The Sulaymaniyah Rehabilitation Centre has been restoring people’s autonomy for 24 years. There is lots more to do.
“The Lye Programme Saved My Life”
For a full year after her accident, Aisha had to be fed by her mother from a bottle.
Sierra Leone: Swallowing Lye Is Still One Of The Main Causes Of Admission Of Child Patients At Our Surgical Centre In Goderich.
The Lye Programme now under way at our centre has the twofold aim of treating the chemical’s victims and raising public awareness of the problem.
We Will Continue to Take Care of Him.
He still struggles to walk: we will now wait for him at the hospital for physiotherapy sessions.
Building Medical Excellence in Africa Also Means Investing in People, Who Will Put Their Skills at the Disposal of Their Patients.
They are doctors and nurses coming from the Uganda Heart Institute in Kampala.
“If We Can Share Resources, We Can Generate Beauty.”
Our local colleagues work independently and efficiently, forming the core of medical and managerial activities.
Misha Found Many ‘Aunties’ – As He Calls Them.
Last March, Tetyana and her son Misha arrived in Moldova after leaving Odessa in Ukraine.