Sicily: “They beat me in prison, and I was left there for three months.”
A newly-arrived refugee in Sicily describes the traumatic Mediterranean crossing.
A newly-arrived refugee in Sicily describes the traumatic Mediterranean crossing.
His name is Bahar - 'Spring' - and he has experienced the horrors of war before even coming into the world.
We are proud to announce that the expansion project at the Anabah Maternity Centre, Afghanistan, is now in its final stage.
An update from Sicily.
Serious violence has forced EMERGENCY to suspend its operations in Gernada.
Cecilia Strada, President of EMERGENCY, writes from Kabul in the aftermath of the attack at the American University of Afghanistan.
An update from the field as fighting continues in Helmand.
As fighting intensifies, Helmandis are searching for safety in Lashkar-Gar.
Update on the ongoing situation in Lashkar-Gah, Helmand.
"This photo is a snapshot of hope", Ljubica, Medical Coordinator at EMERGENCY's Paediatric Centre, Port Sudan.