Medicine Can’t stop. Neither Can Solidarity with One Another in These Difficult Times.
Medicine can’t stop. Neither can solidarity with one another in these difficult times.
Medicine can’t stop. Neither can solidarity with one another in these difficult times.
Zarbibi and Maysaa are two brave women. To them, and all the women who fight every day to improve the world, we dedicate this #InternationalWomenDay2020
The third quarter was a period of unprecedented violence, according to UNAMA, before we witnessed a decrease during the final quarter and the start of 2020. It continues to be difficult to conceive of ‘peace’ in Afghanistan at the moment.” Marco concludes.
“Police use tear gas against migrants attempting to cross the Greek border. The coast guard shoot at a refugee boat. Far-right militants use sticks and rocks to attack migrants on the Greek islands. The Prime Minister announces the suspension of…
📌 As our President Rossella Miccio once wrote, there are walls, and then there are walls: walls of exclusion, tearing people apart, but also walls of inclusion, bringing people together, defeating differences and discrimination. EMERGENCY's hospitals are made of walls,…
Yesterday, we received 12 wounded patients at EMERGENCY's Surgical Centre for War Victims in Kabul. At around 7pm local time, two bicycle bombs went off in the city centre, hitting dozens of people, some of them young pupils from a local school. The attack followed another the…
Through all this work, EMERGENCY affirms its commitment to working with the Sierra Leonean government to strengthen the results they have already achieved and improve the country’s health system.
There are people who dedicate themselves to this organisation for years. Laura is one of them. She’s been with us since 2009. Laura is a nurse. We met her in a ward at the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery. What she said took…
Today is Valentine’s Day in Iraq too, and there’s something powerful here, resisting war, violence, danger and fear. It’s called love.
‘We have shared lives. We are born together, live together and end together.’