They Threw a Rock at It, for Fun.
Nadir, 12, and his cousin Hassan, 10, were walking back to their house when a small metal object caught their attention.
Nadir, 12, and his cousin Hassan, 10, were walking back to their house when a small metal object caught their attention.
Senait is a 37-year-old woman and mother of three. She has a heart condition that she has never been able to have treated. As a result, she becomes weak very easily.
Whilst on her 8,000-mile-journey, searching for her mother and a better future, Amal found EMERGENCY in Rome, Bologna, and Milan.
Finally, she’s nearly here! We are looking forward to welcoming a very special guest to our headquarters on Saturday…
Moderna, BioNTech and Pfizer cashing in thanks to taxpayer investments, monopolies, and low taxes while leaving millions unprotected.
One month ago, on 13 August, Gino left us. Today we remember him through the words of Soran, whom Gino met in 1996.
During the night of Friday 3 September, Taliban forces pushed further into the Panjshir Valley, reaching the village of Anabah where EMERGENCY's Surgical Centre and Maternity Centre are located.
EMERGENCY runs two major hospitals in Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley: the Anabah Maternity Centre, and the Surgical & Paediatric Centre - providing free, high-quality healthcare to people living in the province and beyond.
Gino Strada. 1948-2021. War surgeon, founder of EMERGENCY, and our driving force. His obituary in The New York Times today.
"Yesterday, we received five patients with gunshot wounds from the airport."