EMERGENCY has treated over 8.5 million patients in Afghanistan since 1999.

Stories from the field

Breech Without Borders Trains Midwives and Doctors in Anabah

At the Anabah Maternity Centre, EMERGENCY and Breech Without Borders are working together to improve health outcomes for mothers and babies. What is breech birth? Breech birth is a broad term used when an infant in utero has its feet, knees or bottom facing the birth canal, rather than its head. These positions are associated with a higher…

International Women’s Day 2025: Testimonies From Our Facilities Around the World

In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development - even in contexts where asserting women’s rights can be a daily challenge. Thanks to academic teaching, in-depth practice sessions and continuous on-the-job training, healthcare and non-healthcare professionals can develop specialised skills and take on more senior roles that foster both…

A significant meaning

For people living in difficult circumstances, the word “free” has a significant meaning – especially when it comes to taking care of yourself. Even more so if one of the most important people in your life needs to receive treatment: your daughter. We are in Lashkar-Gah, Afghanistan. Little Malalai fractured her arm while playing at…

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