The UK Volunteer group is extremely active and the largest EMERGENCY volunteer network outside Italy. They meet regularly, organise fundraisers and events, and are always looking for new members.
Why volunteer with us?
- Promote a culture of peace and help EMERGENCY to save lives
- Improve your skills (fundraising, public speaking, events organisation)
- Meet staff from EMERGENCY’s projects abroad
- Hang out with a wonderful team!
How to Volunteer
If you’re interested in volunteering for EMERGENCY UK please fill out this contact form and the Volunteer Recruitment team will get back to you shortly.
Here are some key resources for both existing and volunteers and prospective volunteers.
Volunteers play an important role within EMERGENCY UK. We appreciate the role and work of volunteers, and commit to support the group as much as possible. This includes supporting training activities and sessions, and providing supervision and guidance of volunteering activities.
We also ensure that volunteers are covered by the appropriate policies and agree to process any personal data correctly, in line with EMERGENCY UK’s Privacy Policy and GDPR regulations. EMERGENCY UK commits to being open with regard to feedback and complaints.
Please note that for humanitarian projects in the field abroad, EMERGENCY does not employ volunteers but only trained professionals in specific fields. If you would like to work with us in the field, click here.
Meet Our Volunteers
“My name is Francesca and I joined Emergency UK as a volunteer in 2017, having heard about the charity from volunteers I met at the Italian bookshop in London. I studied politics and languages and currently work as a reporter.
Over the past year I’ve attended talks where midwifes and doctors working for EMERGENCY in Afghanistan and Iraq talked about their daily work and the complex situations they operate in. Meeting these witnesses has been truly inspiring and motivated me to commit to the volunteers group. Organising fundraising activities and talks for Emergency UK is fun and personally gives me loads of energy. Running my first ever 10K to fundraise for the charity last year was very gratifying, funnily enough I could barely jog beforehand! I look forward to supporting our enthusiastic group volunteers and give a big welcome to new members.”
“Hello! My name is Mansi and I have been volunteering with EMERGENCY UK since 2013. I am currently working as an Economist in the UK Civil Service. I got involved with EMERGENCY after I accompanied a friend to a talk by Giles Duley and Gino Strada. The talk made me realise the incredible work EMERGENCY is doing by saving countless lives in countries torn by war and conflict and where there is a lack of basic healthcare facilities. I have had a fantastic time volunteering with EMERGENCY! During my time here I have met some wonderful people who care to make a difference in the world. I have also attended many fun fundraising events and dared to organise two Ceilidh dancing nights! The next on my list is to run a 10K for EMERGENCY!”
“Hi, I’m Genny! I moved to London in 2010 after moving around Europe for 3 years. I joined the EMERGENCY UK volunteers group in 2017 after seeing one of their stalls at a concert. Since then, I have helped organise stalls at local markets and attended fun fundraising events. I feel lucky I’ve never been affected by war, poverty or discrimination and sometimes I take these things for granted. Volunteering for EMERGENCY UK and supporting any event which promotes the culture of peace, freedom and equality is my small contribution towards a better world for everybody. I have recently become the Vice Coordinator of the London volunteer group and I am enthusiastically committed to contribute and support all EMERGENCY UK causes and activities.”
Our Supporters
TIJ Events works to promote Italian art and culture across Europe. Since 2008, TIJ Events has organised events for renowned Italian artists in major cities and European capitals such as: Monaco, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona and London.
The Italian Bookshop is a specialist bookshop serving the Italian community as well as students and lovers of Italian language and literature. It stocks everything from language learning materials, to classic literature, and much more in Italian and English, as well as hosting book launches and other events with Italian writers and publishers.