In our hospitals, the concept of "care" goes beyond the medical act.
In our hospitals, the concept of "care" goes beyond the medical act.
Now the countdown begins: Sierra Leone needs 42 consecutive days with no new cases to be declared free from #Ebola.
EMERGENCY nurse Stefano soon to be discharged from hospital.
Still more than fifty new cases of Ebola every week in Sierra Leone.
After two weeks of treatment, Lionel and Christian finally recover.
“To treat an Ebola patient and to live in a community affected by Ebola is, of course, a risk.”
Luca Rolla: We take care of children in a country where it is forbidden to hug each other.
With quality and professionalism, Ebola can and will be defeated.
"We must face Ebola in a rational way, being aware of all the risks, but, crucially, being convinced of the importance of the work we do."