“For the Excellence of the Care Offered by EMERGENCY”.
This medal was presented to us by the President of Sierra Leone...
This medal was presented to us by the President of Sierra Leone...
for a closer look at EMERGENCY's work during these difficult times, told to you by our colleagues around the world.
At EMERGENCY, we knew that we couldn’t stop this year. We did everything we could to make sure we continued providing our medical care, even starting new projects so that we could be there for the most vulnerable people during this pandemic.
We must unite to defeat all these crises, in the name of a better world for all based in the principle of equality.
There can be no safe treatment without a safe healthcare environment, and there can be no safe patient without a safe healthcare worker.
Human trafficking is a scourge around the world. Today, we remind ourselves of the urgent need to end this inhumane and abusive exploitation.
#WorldRefugeeDay - today and every day until borders, hearts and minds are opened to those fleeing from conflict and persecution.
Every blood donor plays a vital part in contributing towards an overarching goal: quality healthcare, available to all.
Medicine can’t stop. Neither can solidarity with one another in these difficult times.