Iraq: Just Like Any Other Girl
Sidra is nine years old, she lives in Mosul, Iraq, and we think she should be able to run around and play, just like any other girl her age.
Iraq: … and It Still Runs Like a Charme!
It’s EMERGENCY’s very own 007, built in 1998 in the labs at the Centre by amputee and disabled former patients.
Iraq: They’re Also a Shoulder to Lean On
Wherever we work, all around the world, we always provide our patients with the treatment - and compassion - that they deserve.
Iraq: What Does It Mean To Be a Patient With a Chronic Disease?
Now, with her energy restored, she can go to school again and play with her friends!
International Mine Awareness Day 2019
EMERGENCY's doctors and nurses listen to testimonies like these from our patients in Afghanistan and Iraq too often.
Iraq: … For Them The Glass is Always Half Full
As he talks, Murad has an easy-going smile that conveys serenity and peace – reflecting the name of the IDP camp where he lives and works: Ashti. But emphasising the positive side of things isn’t always enough. Even if you’re a child.
Happy Mother’s Day From EMERGENCY!
It doesn't matter what you call her.What matters is that you keep her in your thoughts, today and every day.
Iraq: He’ll Return, and We’ll Be Waiting For Him
Kayan will continue to return to the centre for follow-up consultations and we will be waiting for him. We might even see him return independently, as he becomes a young man.
Iraq: “Now I Feel More Confident, and I Love My Job”
“Now I feel more confident, and I love my job. I want to become even more specialised and learn new things from this profession.”