A Glimpse Of Beauty Amid The Horror Of This War
There’s one thing I’m sure of and that’s the pure, gentle love that exists between a father and son. Just for a moment, it gives you a glimpse of beauty amid the horror of this war.
There’s one thing I’m sure of and that’s the pure, gentle love that exists between a father and son. Just for a moment, it gives you a glimpse of beauty amid the horror of this war.
In the face of conflict, our human spirit and solidarity will always endure.
Best wishes to all for a more just, supportive and human new year. We can achieve it together.
We had decided to leave forever, but I became a paraplegic at 23 years of age. What will we do now?
Sometimes it's really tough, but we have no intention of stopping.
I trusted in myself and EMERGENCY but I admit, it wasn’t easy at the start.
Meanwhile, a question will stay with us: if you lose your facial features, how do you remain yourself?
So far, we have treated more than 5 million patients at our First Aid Posts (FAPs).
A long journey… an important one that has a primary goal: supporting women. From the Panjshir Valley to Milan, passing through Brussels and finally back to where everything started: Afghanistan.. but this time Kabul. On Wednesday, we presented our Maternity…
Today, EMERGENCY launched its Maternity Report, ‘A Quiet Revolution’, in Brussels. The European Foundation Centre hosted the event, which served as an opportunity to discuss an underrepresented aspect of Afghanistan, something that we have been contributing to since 2003. Peace,…