In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Now We Are Taking Care Of Amir In The Ward, Where He Is Improving Every Day.
A pot of milk was boiling on the stove for Amir and his brother, when it spilled and burned the little boy.
Amir is one-and-a-half years old and weighs just 10kg, which places him below the 25th weight percentile for his age group. Amidst the economic crisis, nearly 2.3 million Afghan children are expected to face acute malnutrition in 2023 (UNICEF).
Amir arrived at our Anabah Surgical and Paediatric Centre in Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley with extensive burns across most of his body. Over three weeks, our surgical team saw Amir in the operating theatre every 48 hours.
At the same time, our paediatric team worked to improve his nutrition and speed up the recovery process.
This photo was taken just after Amir’s last dressing under anaesthesia. When he woke up, he smiled at us just before biting into his bread.
Now we are taking care of Amir in the ward, where he is improving every day.