In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

That Spirited Look Belongs To Hawa.
Hawa is 10 years old. Her story is very similar to the many we’ve become part of in Sudan and beyond.
She grew up with her two sisters, two brothers, and parents, in Jabal Awlia, a sprawling camp for Internally Displaced People (IDPs) on the outskirts of Khartoum, close to EMERGENCY’s Paediatric Clinic in Mayo.
Five years ago, she started experiencing health symptoms that worsened considerably in the last few months. Her parents knew about the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery and its free-of-charge, high-quality treatment, so they took the chance to bring her there by a little bus, which connects the IDP camp to Soba Hilla in Khartoum.
We met Hawa at the Salam Centre last October. As soon as she arrived at the facility, EMERGENCY’s team promptly performed a cardiac examination and necessary clinical checks. Hawa was diagnosed with severe aortic, mitral and tricuspid regurgitation; she was urgently hospitalised on 22nd October. On 2nd November, she had a surgical operation and three of her four cardiac valves were replaced.
Our colleagues tell us that Hawa is a cheerful little girl. Their care and dedication throughout her surgery and recovery have helped her look toward her future again. And that spirited look on her face reminds us that she has a big dream—to become a teacher!