In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

“The New Generations Have The Right To Their Future”
“I was going to take my certification exam,” says Rahman, “to finish my studies and start working… now I will have to wait another year.”
Rahman was returning home from an IT school when an armed group suddenly opened fire, seriously wounding him and two friends, and killing a third.
Rahman received free-of-charge and high-quality treatment at our Surgical Centre in Kabul.
Afghanistan is a country that has been devastated by decades of war and is now grappling with an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. We continue to receive patients with wounds caused by guns, knives, and IED explosions.
Despite the violence, Rahman is convinced: he does not want to leave his country. “The new generations have the right to their future. They want to improve the future of Afghanistan.”
Photo ©️ Vincenzo Metodo