In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Our Work Here is Crucial.
Last week, our President Rossella Miccio visited EMERGENCY’s Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Centre in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. The bedrock of every EMERGENCY project is each incredible local team, who work together every day to provide free, high-quality healthcare to patients in need. This is certainly the case here in Sulaymaniyah!
This Centre takes care of those that have lost limbs, most frequently due to landmines. Iraq is one of the countries most contaminated by landmines and explosive remnants of war in the world. “Landmines are invisible and merciless soldiers, which continue waging war and hurting people long after conflicts end,” Rossella says.
“EMERGENCY’s work continues here at our Rehabilitation Centre. We want to be a solution, a glimmer of hope for those who have had their lives disrupted by mines and explosive weapons. Humanitarian work is not enough in itself though. It needs to be supported by widespread demining, as well as legislation to ensure an end to the production and sale of these weapons.
The incredible professionals you see here are part of a team of over 60 people who strive to provide prostheses, physiotherapy, and vocational training. Together, they provided care to 641 patients in 2021.
Our work here is crucial. The Sulaymaniyah Rehabilitation Centre has been restoring people’s autonomy for 24 years. There is lots more to do.