In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

N. Only Draws Moving Cars and A House to Leave From.
He arrived here in Bălți, Moldova, after a three-day journey from Ukraine together with five of his six siblings. At the wheel is his mother, A.
When we visit her in our Mobile Clinic, she says she has a bad headache and wants to be sure it’s nothing serious: she has to be healthy and feel well to be able to look after everyone. She is tired, the journey has been “unspeakable”, and she is still carrying everything that she left with.
“I haven’t heard from my husband or son for three days. I broke the rule we made when we left: that they would look for us, that we should not call. But I couldn’t stick to it. I called and got no answer. I tell my children that I’m sure they’re fine. But I wonder how they can believe me if I can’t even believe myself.”
A. thanks us because she has found a “safe place” where she can cry and vent her anguish without fear of falling apart.
– Giovanna, EMERGENCY’s psychologist, is part of the EMERGENCY team in Moldova. At the Mobile Clinic, in Bălți, we offer primary medical and nursing care and a psychological support service to refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.