In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Mine Awareness Day 2022
In Helmand Province, Afghanistan, #MineAwarenessDay reminds us of a 12-year-old boy who arrived at our hospital yesterday from the Musa Qala First Aid Post. His stomach was cut in two by the landmine he found outside his village.
The day before, three children from Sangin arrived at our Surgical Centre in Lashkar-Gah. One was dead on arrival. Four others had died on the spot.
According to data from UNMAS (United Nations Mine Action Service), over 41,000 civilians have been killed or injured in Afghanistan during the past 40 years due to unexploded mines and munitions hidden in the ground.
The youngest children often find it hard to recognise mines: they mistake them for toys, grab them, step on them by mistake… We treat the atrocious consequences of this explosive violence.