In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

EMERGENCY Hosted A Ceremony Welcoming The New Group Of Medical Students For This Academic Year.
Tuesday was a special day at the Kabul Surgical Centre as EMERGENCY hosted a ceremony welcoming the new group of medical students for this academic year. 24 residents will begin training in surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology, intensive care medicine, and anaesthesiology.
“Our intention has always been to go beyond just medical treatment and to help the country to stand on its own two feet by guaranteeing the best possible care,” said Rossella Miccio, EMERGENCY’s president.
“My message to new residents is: we try to build together not only technical skills, but also the ethics that are behind medical practices. Patients must always be at the centre of our work, and they will be the symbol of this message.”
Dr Shekiba, a pillar of our hospital for many years, is starting her specialisation course in anaesthesiology: “I’m proud of my family and EMERGENCY colleagues. This new step will allow me to help my people even more”.
Over the years, we have trained 60 Afghan medics to specialise, many of whom are now long-standing colleagues. Others left us after qualifying but have always maintained the level of competency and care for patients they learned during their on-the-job training with EMERGENCY.
As Dr Manuel Delara, acting head of WHO’s emergency unit, who joined the ceremony says: “The great job that EMERGENCY is doing is truly of great impact in providing the quality health services deeply needed by Afghan people.”
Previously, we trained in the midst of war. Now we do it in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. The context may have changed, but our purpose always remains the same: creating opportunities for Afghan people, ensuring they are involved in the process of treating their people.
We believe the future is theirs. Even more so, we believe they are the future.