In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Today, He Is an Enterprising Father and, Above All, a Happy Man.
Rizgar was just 21 years old when unexploded ordnance changed his life forever.
“It was on my land,” Rizgar, a farmer, explains. “I wanted to remove it to protect my animals.” In the end, he was the one that was injured.
“I lost my left hand and my leg was badly hurt”.
Rizgar’s family did everything they could to reach the hospital as soon as possible, where he underwent surgery and was finally discharged after 35 days.
Over the years, he was often confronted by the obstacles and marginalisation that millions of people wounded by the war in Iraq suffer from. “I was working with limited income. It was difficult to support my family. I have five family members, including one paralysed son. He was hit by a bullet and fully depends on me”.
“At the EMERGENCY Rehabilitation Centre in Sulaymaniyah I received a new prosthetic hand, made to measure for my body, free of charge”.
After physical rehabilitation, we supported Rizgar to start his own business and gain economic independence.
Today, he runs a vintage clothes shop through which he can secure the future of his children. Today, he is an enterprising father and, above all, a happy man.