In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

“It Was a Beautiful Moment of Condolence and Friendship.”
Luca Rolla, EMERGENCY’s Country Director in Sudan, has sent us good news from Khartoum! Our pioneering approach to providing healthcare of excellence in Africa continues to receive validation. This furthers the hope that our model – which is dedicated to fostering access to high-level healthcare across the African continent – will soon be replicated.
“The Sudan Heart Society recently held its Annual Conference in Khartoum.
In light of its many years of first-hand experience in cardiac surgery, representatives from EMERGENCY’s Salam Centre were invited to attend.

Dr Salvatore Lentini, Chief Surgeon, spoke about what we have achieved, where we are now, and what we want to strive towards in a talk entitled ‘The Salam Centre: past, present & future’.
Discussing our clinical activities, he emphasised EMERGENCY’s training of local colleagues as essential to increasing medical and surgical impact. New Sudanese specialists currently working with the organisation include two cardiac surgeons, an anaesthesiologist, and a cardiologist.
The presentation was welcomed with warm applause, a testament to growing trust in EMERGENCY’s work providing operative and post-operative care to people from across Africa.

And while we were invited to share our clinical results and experience, we had to pay tribute to the person who ignited this project with his vision and deeply-held belief in human rights: the talk ended with a reflection on our founder Dr Gino Strada, who was well known and held in high regard among Sudanese cardiologists and heart surgeons.
It was a beautiful moment of condolence and friendship.”