In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…
Surge in Admissions at Our Hospital for War Victims in Lashkar-Gah.
EMERGENCY can confirm that it is receiving large numbers of war-wounded patients at its Surgical Centre for War Victims in Lashkar-Gah, Helmand Province, as a result of widespread clashes in the area. Since 1 May, the hospital has received 106 patients. 65 were admitted, whilst another 30 were treated as outpatients. Eight children are amongst those admitted with war injuries. Unfortunately, 11 people had already died upon arrival at the hospital, and two people passed away having been admitted.
“Most of the patients we have received come from the areas of Bolan, Nawa, Nar-e-saraje, and Lashkar-Gah itself. This is a really difficult situation, but it’s not isolated – we have witnessed an escalation in the conflict across Afghanistan,” explains Marco Puntin, EMERGENCY’s Programme Coordinator in Afghanistan.
Viktor Urosevic, Medical Coordinator at the Surgical Centre for War Victims in Lashkar-Gah says, “These are very difficult days in Lashkar-Gah. My colleagues and I, both local and international, are doing everything we can to assist the people here. We have also put beds in the physiotherapy room to accommodate all the injured patients.”
EMERGENCY has been working in Afghanistan since 1999 and now operates two Surgical Centres for War Victims in Kabul and Lashkar-Gah, a Surgical & Paediatric Centre and Maternity Centre in Anabah, and a network of 44 First Aid Posts. In the first three months of 2021, our hospitals received 1,407 patients with war injuries, a 44% increase on the same period last year.
EMERGENCY is an independent, neutral organisation, founded in 1994 to offer free, high-quality medical and surgical treatment to victims of war, landmines and poverty. Since then EMERGENCY has treated over 11 million people: one every minute. EMERGENCY promotes a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.
EMERGENCY International press office
David Lloyd Webber, +44 7731 971911
Rossella Palma, +39 334 905 6994