In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

International Day of the Midwife
“If every birth is a miracle, then this maternity centre has had more than its share”.
That’s how the New York Times described EMERGENCY’s Anabah Maternity Centre in Afghanistan. It is with pride that we present you with these words again today.
It is with pride that we celebrate this incredible facility in the heart of the Panjshir Valley on the International Day of the Midwife. The all-women team here work so hard to provide the best quality care and reverse the high infant and maternal mortality rates in Afghanistan.
By providing women with care before, during and after delivery, Afghan midwives assist Afghan women to carry out the biggest miracle, that of life. The result: the Centre saw over 5,600 births in 2020 alone.
Thank you to our midwife colleagues. They stand for women and provide quality care, despite the pandemic, despite the conflict, despite everything that comes their way.