In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Nyala Paedatric Centre Reopens After 9 Years
9 years ago, one of the most dramatic events in EMERGENCY’s history took place. Our logistician Francesco was kidnapped in Sudan, forcing us to close the Paediatric Centre in Nyala, Darfur, which had only been open for one year.
Since then, we have never stopped looking for a way to safely restart activities there, knowing how important it was to the people of Darfur. On Sunday, our efforts finally paid off: the hospital reopened its doors to the children of Nyala.
“The reopening of the Nyala Paediatric Centre is representative of EMERGENCY’s commitment to Sudan and the recognition of our role by local authorities. Above all, it represents real hope that free, quality healthcare can return to the local community,” said Rossella Miccio, president of EMERGENCY.
The vital role that the Nyala clinic plays was made clear by Diana, the Centre’s Medical Coordinator, who wrote to us: ”A few hours after we opened,” she says, “we have already treated 23 patients.”