For people living in difficult circumstances, the word “free” has a significant meaning – especially…

We Will Do Our Part. We Will Do It By Being There.
Kabul, Afghanistan. EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre for War Victims.
Six of our incredible team look at the camera, both cheerful and decisive. They have endured difficult months, working in the midst of coronavirus, but are as committed as ever.
EMERGENCY’s hospitals have stayed open despite the pandemic thanks to the incredible dedication of our 3,000 staff around the world.
COVID-19 stopped so much this year, but it didn’t stop war and it didn’t stop poverty – those other illnesses that have affected the Afghan people for far too long.
The heavy rocket attacks in Kabul on Saturday are proof that we need to do much more to build a peaceful world. And we will do our part. We will do it by being there, on the side of whoever needs healthcare.
Whatever happens, #EMERGENCYisThere.