In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

International Day of Peace 2020
It is all in that quote. On the International Day of Peace, we must remind ourselves that we have the potential to contribute together to foster peace.
We are facing the worst public health crisis of our time, but the world continues to be ravaged by illnesses that have been with us for much longer than COVID-19, such as war and poverty. We must unite to defeat all these crises, in the name of a better world for all based in the principle of equality.
The photo here is from our EMERGENCY war surgery hospital in Afghanistan. This is now an ordinary day here as we prevent the spread of Coronavirus. But these efforts are taking place in a country that has been at war for over 40 years. As a medical charity that stands against conflict, we know that global health can never truly thrive as long as we live with the sickness of war.
Let’s listen to Gino Strada, understand what unites us, recognise equality, and build peace.