In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Treating Patients Is Crucial, but It Is Not Enough on Its Own.
Alessandro is an intensive care nurse.
After 4 years working in the UK, he felt like he needed a new challenge and decided to join EMERGENCY. In Sudan, he takes care of children in the ICU ward. “I am always touched by the dignity and the strength they show in there”.
For us, treating patients is crucial, but it is not enough on its own. Building and strengthening healthcare systems is part of our mandate and can make a real, long-term difference.
“In Europe, you work directly with patients, but here there is also the bonus of training local staff. This work is at the heart of EMERGENCY. You find yourself as a coordinator, as a trainer, as a teacher of healthcare, and that leaves a mark. The goal is always the total handover of the facility to local people. Knowing that you are working towards that is priceless.”
EMERGENCY always has an eye on the future. Since 1994, we have trained staff and fostered healthcare systems around the world. Because access to medical treatment is a human right, not a luxury.
We will not rest in our quest for healthcare.