From Afghanistan to Sudan, looking back at 2024.

Work at the COVID-19 Hospital in Bergamo Comes to an End.
Medical work at the field hospital set up in Bergamo for the COVID-19 health crisis officially drew to a close yesterday. Soon the facility will be turned into a clinic for follow-up checks on patients with the virus who need monitoring.
EMERGENCY worked at the hospital for weeks, running intensive and sub-intensive therapy with a trained team of about 80 doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, radiologists, lab technicians, socio-medical workers and disinfectors.
“At such a hard time, we’re glad to have done our bit here, relying on the experience we gained managing the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone,” explained our president, Rossella Miccio, at the press conference to mark the end of the project.
Our work fighting COVID-19 in Italy is not over, though. We’re hard at work with our staff, providing constant training to prevent contagion and offer psychological help and general support to the weakest people in society.
Find out more: Here is our COVID-19 response.