In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

International Workers’ Day: “We stay Here For You. Please Stay Home For Us”.
“We stay here for you. Please stay home for us”.
ICU ward, Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery, Khartoum.
This special moment arrives just in time to celebrate International Workers’ Day.
Behind their masks, our staff are motivated to continue ensuring patients receive their right to care. This image shows that, although the setting and some practices at work have changed, the spirit and strength of our team continues.
Today is their day…from bottom left to right meet Cristiana, Elias, Roaa, Mai, Afaf, and from top left you’ll find Mouhanad, Riham, Moyther, Ahmed, Mohamed, and Rayan!
As they care your safety, we care for theirs: EMERGENCY is committed to the protection of workers, both in the midst of COVID-19 and always.
Today, we say a huge thank you to all EMERGENCY staff around the world for everything you do every single day.