In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Scientific Contribution is Not Only a Matter of Research and Numbers, But Also Sharing Expertise Among Colleagues.
The Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery doesn’t just help its own patients, but also provides vital scientific contributions to research in the cardiac field. That’s something we are very proud of!
This year, our colleague Eva was invited ato speak at the annual Cardiac Imaging Conference organised by the Pan-African Society of Cardiology and the Sudan Heart Society. While presenting our work and clinical results, she was asked to talk on the evaluation and assessment of patients treated with mitral valve prosthesis.
Specialists from across the African continent attended the event. Among them, were Fekry, Mukhtar and Moawia, the three men you see in one of the pictures here. And why was this a memorable moment? Because they were Eva’s colleagues. They did part of their residency training in cardiology at the Salam Centre last year.
And now they have passed the baton to Suher and Muna: the new residents at the Centre… here they are in the hospital’s corridors right before starting their daily shift with Eva!
Scientific contribution is not only a matter of research and numbers, but also sharing expertise among colleagues.