From Afghanistan to Sudan, looking back at 2024.

COVID-19: Today We Need Another Collective, Humanitarian Effort.
At this very hard time for all of us, the only way to get through the crisis is to follow the instructions of the health authorities and take responsibility for ourselves, the people close to us and above all, the weakest in society.
Like you, I’m following the news with concern, but also in the certainty that together, we can all do something to defeat this virus. It brings to my mind other hard times, when we faced another big epidemic, Ebola in Sierra Leone, in 2014 and 2015. In the end, thanks to an enormous effort, we got through it.
Today we need another collective, humanitarian effort, showing the same humanity you show every day when you support us with your love and help.
Even in this period, we are still working at our clinics in Italy, using a triage method to identify patients with symptoms that could point to the virus, then inform them about and direct them to the services they need, all for the good of public health.
In Milan, in answer to the municipal government’s appeal, we have set up a service to help people who are over 65, in quarantine and vulnerable, delivering them meals, food, medicine and basic goods, partly to make them feel less alone in their isolation.
We’re also working with the municipal government in Milan to prevent contagion in homeless shelters and children’s homes.
Protecting the weakest people in the community – above all those who are struggling to get to healthcare facilities and sometimes even to find out basic information – is essential to prevent the disease spreading.
We are authorised by the Civil Protection Department to take part in emergency response. At this very moment, our skills in treating patients in the midst of epidemics are at the service of the national health system, helping protect medical workers and hospitals from contagion so they can go on treating people in need.
We’ve been working in Italy for 15 years and we know how important it is not to leave anyone behind, above all in a time of crisis. That’s why we want to do everything we can to help the country get through this. To do that, we need your help once more.
As always, thank you for whatever you can do.
See you soon,
Rossella Miccio
President of EMERGENCY