From Afghanistan to Sudan, looking back at 2024.
EMERGENCY Breaks Down Walls By Building Them
📌 As our President Rossella Miccio once wrote, there are walls, and then there are walls: walls of exclusion, tearing people apart, but also walls of inclusion, bringing people together, defeating differences and discrimination.
EMERGENCY’s hospitals are made of walls, but the good kind: where inclusion starts from high-quality healthcare, free of charge, as a human right.
The walls EMERGENCY has built in Sudan are as solid as rocks, as long as roads, all intersecting at the same, crucial point: that healthcare cannot be a gift for some, but must be a right for all.
From Khartoum to Port Sudan. Once every week, we will be showing you EMERGENCY’s work in this incredible country, through the passionate words of our staff and the eyes of our patients.
EMERGENCY breaks down walls by building them.