In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

International Day of Non-Violence 2019
Today on the International Day of Non-Violence we condemn all forms of violence and we renew the fundamental vow of our Culture of Peace – to bring about change.
Change comes from dialogue and from a will to treat others, as we would want them treat us.
We put this non-violent principle into practice with free access to high-quality healthcare for all, and this is not without its risks.
Last Saturday, in Afghanistan, there were many attacks around the presidential elections. Even one of our operators, who was on board our ambulance on the way to rescue a patient, was wounded. But to violence, we actively respond with non-violence.
EMERGENCY keeps believing in change, and asking for it. Indeed, since we believe in non-violence, we spread its principles and values. This is our Surgical Centre for War Victims in Lashkhar-Gah, where we admitted over 250 children under the age of five only last year.
Ever since we started, we have banned weapons and violence from our hospitals.
Our rules: Do not enter with weapons. Do not enter with violence. And do not even enter with a desire for it.