In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Sierra Leone: Happy Birthday Doctor Babadi!
“How long have I worked with EMERGENCY? It’s been a while, that’s for sure! I started back in 2004, when I was still a young doctor, eager to learn and progress in my career…”
Jane A. Babadi is one of our most experienced paediatricians: she’s been working at our Surgical and Paediatric Centre in Sierra Leone for 15 years.
“Over the years I’ve treated hundreds of patients suffering from pneumonia, diarrhoea, respiratory infections, malaria, poisoning… and that’s not to mention all the cases of oesophageal burns caused by ingesting caustic soda, which people here use to make homemade soap.
Children who ingest caustic soda often arrive at our centre malnourished, another reason why their treatment needs to be handled with great care. We look after them until they have completely recovered the use of their throats and their stomachs.
I’ve treated a huge amount of children with burnt throats, and yet I’m still moved every time I see one of them eating without our help.
That’s why I’ve never stopped working for EMERGENCY: in this Centre, there’s always someone willing to lend a hand if you need it. Always. My work makes me truly happy and even after all these years, I’ve never lost my motivation.”
We’re extremely grateful to have Babadi working with us, and for her determination and professionalism – and today we want to express that more than ever. It’s not by chance that we’ve chosen today to tell her story: it’s Babadi’s 74th birthday, and we want to dedicate the day to her. So please, join us in sending a huge “Happy birthday!” to Babadi in Sierra Leone!