In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

Afghanistan: Our Day in Kabul Ends by Counting the Victims
“The paradigm of war is always the same: brutality and inhumanity”. Yet again, our day in Kabul ends by counting the victims of attacks arriving at our hospital.
Dejan, our coordinator in Afghanistan, tells us, “Today we received 17 patients, 5 died upon arrival and 4 of them are in critical condition”.
The constant activity at the hospital in Kabul is a clear signal of how the situation in Afghanistan is getting worse: since the beginning of the year we have admitted more than 1,1000 people affected by the war; 220 more than last year.
Dejan continues, “The routine of the conflict has changed. Before, there were seasonal pauses: for example there was less fighting in winter. This year however, even in January the flow of patients was extremely high. Everyone in Afghanistan has lost something thanks to this war: sons, relatives, arms”.