Sudan: Collaborating with the Jos Teaching Hospital

“We recently got back from Nigeria where we were in the field carrying out cardiac screenings. For years, we have collaborated with an organisation in Lagos to provide follow-up medical examinations and deliver medicine for free to patients operated on in our Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery in Sudan.

Two years ago, we also began collaborating with the Jos University Teaching Hospital in the east of Sudan. Fidelia, the Director of the Paediatric Cardiology ward at the hospital wrote to us: ‘I would like to be able to guarantee access to heart surgery for my young patients. Here, centres like yours do not exist and the small amount of surgeries that do take place come at a price that are out of patients’ reach.’

After having met Fidelia and her staff and seen their conscientiousness and competence, we couldn’t help but commit ourselves to do ‘our little bit’, transferring many girls and boys in need of cardiac surgery to the Salam Centre as soon as possible.”

Luca, Coordinator of the Regional Heart Surgery Programme

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