From Afghanistan to Sudan, looking back at 2024.
Iraq: Civilian Casualities in Mosul
Another civilian receives treatment at the Emergency Hospital in Erbil after sustaining shrapnel wounds
Saleem was selling bread from his street-cart, in the east of Mosul, when he was hit by shrapnel from a drone-launched bomb, which wounded him badly. Passers-by were on hand to transport him to the nearest medical centre, where his condition was stabilised.
The next day he was brought to us at the Emergency Hospital in Erbil. “You will not believe this, but now I am happy,” he said lying on his hospital bed. “Here, everything is clean, and the personnel are very gentle as they treat me.” He explains that as soon as he is cured he will leave Mosul to go and sell bread on the streets of Dohuk, a large city in the north of Iraqi Kurdistan, where some of his relatives live. There, he will start a new life, together with his family.