In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

‘There are still more than fifty new cases of Ebola every week in Sierra Leone, half here around Freetown where our Ebola Treatment Centre is located. Unfortunately most have a particularly severe form of the disease, which is often fatal. We are worried that this is something new, that the virus is changing, that it’s becoming even more dangerous. For months we had not seen such severe cases, and now they are becoming the daily norm. We are frustrated; we don’t understand. Despite the efforts of many, after six stressful months we still can’t decipher this terrible and complicated disease.
So to improve mood I’ll share with you this picture I just received. The photo shows Memunatu, a 7-year-old girl who is Ebola free after being treated in the Intensive Care Unit for 12 days. Now it’s time time for Memunatu to leave the hospital, and Michela – everyone here calls her “mother” – takes her outside the fence. Away from Ebola – buon viaggio’
– Gino Strada, Founder of EMERGENCY