In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…

“Compared to other EMERGENCY projects I worked on, here in Sierra Leone, every mistake could be fatal.
We must think and act as a team: it is essential to control yourself and others, both national and international colleagues.
We work every day as if it were the first and we never let our guard down – never take for granted the security procedures despite it being hard to work in the protective suit.
My work involves contact with the local population and I have seen first-hand the growing understanding and awareness of the risk of Ebola.
We must face Ebola in a rational way, being aware of all the risks, but, crucially, being convinced of the importance of the work we do. “
– Manu, EMERGENCY Logistician in #SierraLeone
Photo Credit: Gianluca Cecere