Check out our new feature that pays tribute to our ‪#‎EbolaFighters‬

Jakob, who is our Supervisor Hygienist at our Ebola Treatment Centre in Lakka talks about his work and his role in the fight against Ebola.

“Our work is dangerous, of course. We are trained for it, however. We know that when we are in the red zone, when we go in and when we come out, we have to concentrate as hard as possible. Sometimes it is difficult; always repeating the same movements, suffering from the heat while wearing the suit, you lose a little manual dexterity. We can’t let anything stop us, though: the work we do here is too important for my people, for my country.”

Thank you Jakob and thank you to all those working on the frontline of the Ebola crisis!

Photo courtesy of: Gianluca Cecere

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