In all of EMERGENCY's facilities around the world, we invest in women’s professional development -…
In our hospitals, the concept of ‘care’ goes beyond the medical act. It also means, for example, schools for children who have to stay there as in-patients for long periods of time. Like in Sierra Leone, where each afternoon two primary school teachers come to our Centre to hold remedial classes for the children staying here to receive medical treatment.
The lessons feature lots of laughter and fun, but they are no joke: with text books and copybooks, it’s just like being at school, and the teachers follow the national syllabus, issuing a letter to the children’s schools when they are discharged to certify their attendance.
This is an absolutely unique project in Sierra Leone, organised in collaboration with a local NGO and EUROPEAID.
“Who knows, one day it may also be replicated in the hospitals of Sierra Leone“, hopes Luca, our coordinator in Sierra Leone.