EMERGENCY Joins Campaign “Stop the Inhumanity at Europe’s Borders!”
Stop the Inhumanity at Europe's Borders! Razor-wire fences and naval blockades. Pushbacks on land and at sea. Physical punishment by border guards, militia forces and vigilante groups. Detention without trial and confinement to squalid camps. Criminalization of aid workers. Deportation…
“Beyond the Beach”: Full Documentary Film Available Now
EMERGENCY is happy to announce that Dover Street Entertainment’s documentary film, “Beyond the Beach – The Hell and the Hope”, is now available on Amazon Prime Video across the UK, US and Italy following its world premiere at the 76th Venice International Film…
Our Wish for 2024
In the last 10 years, more than 28,000 migrating people have drowned in the Mediterranean. Our wish for 2024: No more indifference. No more deaths at sea.
Testimonies from Life Support on International Migrants Day
For many people, migration means facing violence, abuse, death. In the central Mediterranean alone, over 28,000 people have disappeared since 2014 while attempting the crossing. At least 61 more people were victims of yesterday’s shipwreck off the coast of Libya, the…
Taranto, 24.07.23 - The disembarkation of the 171 people rescued on 20 July by EMERGENCY's search and rescue ship Life Support ended this morning at the port of Taranto at 11:20 a.m. They had been rescued in four different operations…
World Refugee Day 2023
Refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs: a record 110 million people are displaced worldwide, forced to flee because of persecution, conflict, climate change and human rights violations. On World Refugee Day, we recognise the dangers and extreme difficulties that migrants face as…
“Now I Am Afraid We Will Never See Each Other Again.”
G. and her two-year-old son were rescued by Life Support while crossing the Central Mediterranean, the world’s deadliest migration route. "The father of my son is now in Libya," the 22-year-old Eritrean told us. "We wanted to rescue little N…
EMERGENCY’s Life Support: No Sign Of Boat In Distress With 500 On Board
One hypothesis could be that the engine has started working again and the boat is sailing towards Sicily, but we have no evidence of this.