EMERGENCY continues to deliver free, high-quality care in the midst of war.

Part of This ‘Revolution’ Is the Role That Pharmacists Play
“What I hope to bring back with me is the patience and composure of the Sudanese people. What I am sure of is that I will always remember the gratitude of the patients here, although all I’m doing is simply what is needed, helping people access their human right to medicine, nothing more.”
Iza is an incredibly humble pharmacist from the Philippines. She may be new to Sudan, but not to this profession. She has worked elsewhere, but what she’s seen at the Salam Centre has revitalised her:
“What happens here is revolutionary. We provide a service for those who wouldn’t otherwise have access to it, especially the surgery.”
Part of this ‘revolution’ is the role that pharmacists play, contributing in more ways than you might expect: “Being a pharmacist is like being a kind of glue amongst logisticians, medical staff, and patients. Drugs are at the core of this interaction, but we are involved in the whole chain: the supply, prescription and the delivery of medicines. This is a process that embodies so much of what we do here: ensuring life opportunities that we all deserve, no matter where we are born.”