For people living in difficult circumstances, the word “free” has a significant meaning – especially…

A Long Journey…
A long journey… an important one that has a primary goal: supporting women.
From the Panjshir Valley to Milan, passing through Brussels and finally back to where everything started: Afghanistan.. but this time Kabul.
On Wednesday, we presented our Maternity Report, “A Quiet Revolution”, in the Afghan capital. Hosted by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, we discussed the revolutionary work that EMERGENCY launched at the Anabah Maternity Centre 16 years ago.
“A virtuous circle of training, safe environment, quality, and free treatment”, said Raffaela Baiocchi, EMERGENCY gynaecologist, made possible by women, both from Afghanistan and abroad, coming together to provide female patients with all the assistance they need.
“It’s women who created this hospital and that’s why our report is dedicated to all of them” said Dejan Panic, EMERGENCY’s Programme Coordinator in Afghanistan.
Although “war keeps affecting people’s access to healthcare and education, results are successful and the path taken is the right one”, added Spozhmai Wardak, Ministry of Women’s Affairs.
We are sure it is: for women, by women.